Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Great Interview @CNBC 's @jonfortt with #Microsoft CEO @satyanadella

from Twitter https://twitter.com/srini_venkat

#ChatGPT #Bing #searchengine #browser #microsoftedge #edge #openai @microsoft #microsoft #microsoftadvocate #msftadvocate #msadvocate https://t.co/ilIrptOhNF

from Twitter https://twitter.com/srini_venkat

Microsoft ChatGPT event live blog from @TheVerge https://t.co/VMTU3R1BDH

from Twitter https://twitter.com/srini_venkat

Saturday, February 4, 2023

RT @OfficialLoganK: The new @OpenAI tutorials section of our docs 📑 is now live!!! 🎉 https://t.co/QroCN9VEoN

from Twitter https://twitter.com/srini_venkat

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Global energy giant bp is transforming into an integrated multi-source energy provider. To speed innovations in support of this initiative, the company is working to democratize data ownership, enhance and streamline data sharing, and optimize the flexibi…https://t.co/HgTiJJa7Ap

from Twitter https://twitter.com/srini_venkat

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Meet better with Teams Premium: Focus on what matters with AI-powered meetings, including GPT from OpenAI With intelligent recap in Teams premium, you’ll get automatically generated meeting notes, recommended tasks, and personali…https://t.co/MJ4AgDGlu6 https://t.co/6Hiz2kmBXK

from Twitter https://twitter.com/srini_venkat

We are bringing the power of large language models, including OpenAI’s GPT, to Teams Premium, as we make meetings more intelligent, personalized, and protected. #microsoft Microsoft #microsoftteams #largelanguagemodels #AI #artificialintelliegence https://t.co/xkiWTZDOcT

from Twitter https://twitter.com/srini_venkat

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