Tuesday, November 3, 2020

AWS to Azure services comparison - Azure Architecture Center | Microsoft Docs https://t.co/RRUZevwrjY #AWS #Azure

from Twitter https://twitter.com/srini_venkat

The latest Srini's Press! https://t.co/fE4jiQRWKf Thanks to @emvnteez #machinelearning #rightfromthestart

from Twitter https://twitter.com/srini_venkat

Monday, November 2, 2020

RT @elonmusk: @thesheetztweetz Right now, it takes about 5 mins to set up, but, with future improvements, probably less than 3 mins. No technical knowledge needed. Just point at open sky & plug in!

from Twitter https://twitter.com/srini_venkat

@elonmusk @thesheetztweetz Awesome.

from Twitter https://twitter.com/srini_venkat

The latest Srini's Press! https://t.co/jFPDmne04p Thanks to @babyrinks321 @smackmom25 @RealBlackIrish #ai #education

from Twitter https://twitter.com/srini_venkat

Framed Prints for Sale