Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The latest Srini's Press! https://t.co/87TWjg52Xe Thanks to @AlexAllen247 @DonaldClark @IncluslveAstro #training #machinelearning

from Twitter https://twitter.com/srini_venkat

My fitbit #Fitstats_en_US for 10/10/2016: 7,949 steps and 3.7 miles traveled. https://t.co/xmqlIk86F0

from Twitter https://twitter.com/srini_venkat

Monday, October 10, 2016


from Twitter https://twitter.com/srini_venkat

RT @SomethlngLearn: People who are considered extremely creative tend to sleep more & are often misjudged as being lazy.

from Twitter https://twitter.com/srini_venkat

RT @naturewilds: View/Buy/License: art and art on products. #art #photography San Marcos River Texas Falls https://t.co/RltKDYdT2u

from Twitter https://twitter.com/srini_venkat

RT @rajiv_jayaraman: The 4Vs of #bigdata : Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity @IBM #analytics https://t.co/ziExV10dtJ

from Twitter https://twitter.com/srini_venkat

RT @EnjoyableFact: People who talk to themselves are more likely to have a high I.Q.

from Twitter https://twitter.com/srini_venkat

Framed Prints for Sale