I have always been fascinated by many of the stories from Hindu mythology and also the Hindu beliefs. I believe in science and also believer of god/supernatural. So, when I hear about the traditions, customs or beliefs, I neither want to ignore it nor I want to accept it blindly. So, I try to see if we could tag a scientific explanation/reasoning for it.
One such thing that I have been thinking about lately is the belief in "Rebirth", "Reincarnation", "Cycle of Life and Death", etc.
According to Bhagavad gita (ancient text of Hindu Religion),
"Just as the self advances through childhood, youth and old age in its physical body, so it advances to another body after death. The wise person is not confused by this change called death. Just as the body casts off worn out clothes and puts on new ones, so the infinite, immortal self casts off worn out bodies and enters into new ones."
The "immortal self" referred to here is the soul.
And according to modern science (1st law of Thermodynamics), "Energy can neither be created, nor be destroyed. It can only change forms."
So, does it mean that "Soul" is a form of energy that never dies (in other words...is not destroyed) and that it transforms/transports itself from one living being to another (i.e., Reincarnation)?
Let me know what you think.