Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The latest Srini's Press! https://t.co/jBo3vbmaHv Thanks to @edmundmonk @CodeBlueEdu @JenneferTBG #astronomy #space

from Twitter https://twitter.com/srini_venkat

Monday, November 14, 2016

RT @roedell_pewter3: .$WMB @FERC No to NESE. NJ Rate Council got it right. LNG destined for export. @RACS206 https://t.co/7scgSalpaS

from Twitter https://twitter.com/srini_venkat

RT @roedell_pewter3: .@AndrewZwicker NJ Rate Council draws a picture. LNG destined for export, NJ does not benefit. No to NESE @RACS206 https://t.co/7scgSalpaS

from Twitter https://twitter.com/srini_venkat

RT @roedell_pewter3: .$WMB @FERC NJ does not benefit, it is just a pass thru State for NLG export says NJ Rate Council. @RACS206 #stopFranklincompressorstation.

from Twitter https://twitter.com/srini_venkat

RT @roedell_pewter3: Rate Council's graphic demonstration - pipelines are not needed in NJ. @CoryBooker @SenatorMenendez @FERC @RACS206 https://t.co/JZezjbj7MF

from Twitter https://twitter.com/srini_venkat

RT @USNewsEducation: Here are the world's best schools for computer science. https://t.co/eY8BuXEbj7

from Twitter https://twitter.com/srini_venkat

Please suggest best spots in Central NJ with a view of the Horizon to take pictures of the #supermoon as it rises @Princeton @PrincetonPL

from Twitter https://twitter.com/srini_venkat

Framed Prints for Sale